NPP Primaries: Former Sports Minister Isaac Asiamah voted out in Atwima Mponua constituency

Former Ghana’s Youth and Sports Minister, Isaac Kwame Asiamah has lost his seat to his contender in the New Patriotic Party’s primaries ahead of the 2024 general elections.

He will not be returning Parliament in 2025 after being overthrown in his constituency by Owusu Sekyere.

The former Sports Minister pulled 330 votes whiles Owusu Sekyere, who won the election received 377 votes in the election held on Saturday, January 27, 2024.

Honorable Asiamah was Sports Minister between 2016 to 2020.

Meanwhile, Ghana FA Executive Council member Frederick Acheampong and National Sports Authority boss, Professor Peter Twumasi are notable sports persons to have contested in the primaries.

Fortunately for Mr. Acheampong, he won the primaries in the Ahafo Ano South East while Professor Twumasi got humiliated after pulling just seven votes to miss out in the general elections.

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